duminică, septembrie 19, 2010

Monogamy is overrated; god is overrated. Goddamned tv stucked in people's heads unknowingly druggin' themselves with paper ink.
Robotic society, everybody has ITS place and it plays it's pace. It's space war. „I buy that / sell you the other”; who gives a fuck if 3000 families lose their home? „Can't pay your mortgage? We'll take a lung, you'll live!”
Follow the humanology, go get a dumb wife with her ex military senile yapping father and some sort of a bitch mother who could've had more but drowned herself in dirty uniforms and soap operas. She unwillingly sees her daughter slowly becoming her and she keeps thinking to make a good use of the dryin' iron / that radio could easily slip in to the bubbling bathtub.
Get a job, become one of them. Full of restraints. „I can't do that, i have responsibilities, i have a family to hold close and care about. My wife don't love me, she talks to the neighbours more than me and even though she used to look like a suave feline she now resembles the beard lady in the circus.
My twisted 16 year old daughter is more fucked up than i am, being my sleeping pills competition and all that.
They don't cook, don't do laundry and the house looks like it's been a rat war.”
But that's what your are, just another rat, providing services for the bigger snakes.

miercuri, septembrie 15, 2010

cele mai curate suflete

Azi am cunoscut un om simplu, un om frumos.
Suntem generatii diferite, cu alte perceptii din alte vremuri si-alte conjuncturi. Alternarea in schimb e buna, chiar daca cu ezitari.
Vorba lui placuta cu mult calm ma-nduiosa. Mi-a spus lucruri simple ca si el. Mi le-a spus insa nespunandu-mi-le. Alegeri gresite din care s-au ivit miracole. Capcana-n care-i prins, oftatul si-mpacarea. Planuri, portite, evadari; dar ele sunt departe; si totusi in zare licareste-un licurici...
Lumea nu-i corecta si poate n-o sa-i iasa, si poate o sa sufere in frica c’un ochi obosit, cafea amara un viitor prapadit si doar o alta seara.
Mi-e mila si stomacu sta sa-mi pape inima...

sunt in cele mai murdare locuri

sâmbătă, septembrie 11, 2010

Observ ca lumea se tot duce la nunta.
Fie c-au fost colegi de liceu sau de munca,
Se iau, isi schimba tabieturile, Enter routine;
Rochie alba cu dantela si inel de rubin.
Invitatii: toti la 4 ace ca davistii,
Iesind din limuzine ca ministrii.
Small joint, big sparty, bigger expence,
But the same menus, same gypsy dance.
Aceeasi datina proasta cu strigatul darului;
Mandria noastra sa nu fim in coada carului.
Si da-i haplea din oalele cu sarmale;
Ii vad bagand cu pofta de le sar bale,
Golesc pahare pline ochi, dand noroc
Si nu pleaca pana nu mai pot.
In noaptea nuntii? Vezi sa nu iei viagra
Ca te autodepasesti si’ti trezesti soacra.
Iar dimineata ta-su te priveste c-un fior
c-a lui copila nu mai e copila.
Da' toti anii astia a fost chior
c-a lui copila nu mai e copila
De pe vremea cand ma jucam eu c-o bila...

joi, septembrie 09, 2010

miercuri, septembrie 08, 2010

banii’s ca bolnavii de cancer, se duc repede;
visezi fructe exotice si mananci pepene.
prietenii? garage junk, i-ai vinde pe orice;
muzica? fara rep, punk, rock, fara voce.
masina ta-i apartament pe vreme de nevoi,
motivu’ pentru care-ti suna telefonu’ bai.
parintii’s un fel de cec fara ramburs,
iar bunicii sfetnicii care s-au dus.
vecinii? producatori de beaturi la calorifer;
tovarasa’i postasa! vinde timbre si plicuri in tren.
tu? 1 la atatia, un oricare altu’
singuru confort, perna ta si patu’.